“Hey have you ever been to Matariki before”?
In the weekend, my brother, Arthur and I had stayed over my aunty’s and uncle’s, for a sleepover. We had to get up every single morning like about 6.00 or 7.00, to help out for Matariki. We also had to sell brownies, caramel slice and chicken carry We had made the most money because most people liked the chicken curry, and it was “$5 each.”
On Friday night, my cook island group, called Prediction, had performed on stage, at the matariki. Our costumes were a black t-shirt and a pariu . We wore this because it was so cold. Our first item was called G.I. Bules. That was the item I was in. The next one was the boys item, called Saturday Night Fever. After that it was The Sender. The Sender are the good performers in Prediction. This was the best part of our dance. All of the dancers were in the item. I am also a leader for the little ones - 5 year old to 10 year old. It was amazing.
On Saturday morning the East Cook Island community performed at Te Oro. “Hey have you been to te oro before?” Te Oro is the coolest thing I have ever seen. The first time I went to Te Oro, it was so big and there were face paintings and we all got bags filled with free goodies in them.
“Hey do you know why we celebrate Matariki? We celebrate the first day of Maori new year.
My cook island group had performed on that day. It was freezing cold, and I was going to get sick. But at least I had lots of fun and it was so amazing. On Monday, the third day of Matariki, the East Cook Island community was performing and it was so cool. On Saturday was the best day of my life because there were colorful fireworks.
Did you know that it was so hard for my uncle and other people to put up all the lights, and when the matariki it was finished. The people who put the lights up took them down. It took them two or three days, and me, my brother and my aunty was so bored because our uncle was not with us. But when it was down we had lots of fun going to the pools. We stayed there still 7.30 then we went home.
On Sunday we all went to hill slide and it was the best hill slide I had ever been to. If you go there then I think you would love it, because it is so much fun. If you go on a hot sunny day it will be fun. But if you go there on a rainy day it may not be fun for you.