
Friday, 25 September 2015

Dog magic

Walt: Understand the author's ideas

Here is my activity for you to look at, and if you like it, please leave a comment on my blog. Thank you.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Poems - Noun, Verbs, Adjectives

Walt: write a poem using nouns, verbs and adjectives.
here is my activity for you to look at, and if you like it, please leave a comment on my blog. Thank you

Family FFeeling's

WALT: Read and understand an author’s ideas.
Here is my activity for you to look at , and if you like it, lease leave a comment on my blog. Thank you.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Fraction Problems

WALT: Write our answers in the box.

Here is my Follow up activit for you to look at, and if you like it, please leave a comment on my blog.  Thank you

My Maths Club Reflection

WALT: write about what we did in Maths club for the last few weeks.

Word Knowledge

WALT:Delicious Kiwi spread. WAY better than Vegemite! Let us never forget the great Marmite shortage of 2012.

Here is my activity for you to look at, and if you like it, Please leave a comment on my blog. Thank you. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Tha Ant's and the Grasshopper

Walt:  Use cues from the text to read and understand new words

Here is my activity for you to look at, and if you like it, please leave a comment on my blog. Thank you.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Fraction Problem

Walt: Solve fraction problems using our knowledge of multiplication and division facts

Here is my Fraction Activity for you to look at, and if you like it, Please leave a comment on my blog.
Thank you.

Word knowlege

WALT: Delicious Kiwi spread. WAY better than Vegemite! Let us never forget the great Marmite shortage of 2012.

Here is my Word knowledge for you to look at, and if you like it, then please leave a comment on my blog. Thank you.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Word Knowledge

WALT. Delicious Kiwi spread. WAY better than Vegemite! Let us never forget the great Marmite shortage of 2012.

Here is my word knowledge for you to look at, and if you like it Please leave a comment  on my blog.  Thank you

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Faction Problems

Walt: Solve fraction problems using my knowledge of multiplication.
Here is my Activity for you to look at, and if you like it, then please leave a comment on my blog. Thank you.

Fraction Wall

Walt: Solve equivalent fraction problems using a fraction wall.

Hey if you are reading this, then here are some Question of you answer. It is only for fun. Do you know your Fraction? Do you know your Decimals? Well of you know all of them Then you are the man. Here is my activity. If you like it please leave a comment on my blog.  Thank you  

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Mum for sale

WALT: Read with fluency
Here is my drawing of mum for sale. If you can not see the list properly, then here are the thing's the mum is good at. She is good at singing, she can cook blackberry, she can roar like a lion and she is the best mum for you. If you want to buy her then she is for $12.